The ensemble: Sam Nelsen, Pat Shane, Julian Fleming, Meg Visokey, Diego Chiri and Michael Kurban


Really Trying Here was produced by Bucknell University in the Spring of 2011. The production began when Jet Eveleth, one of the most respected and well known improvisers in Chicago, taught the ensemble the basics of long form improvisation. From those lessons, they continued to work to create Group Mind and improvise with each other. Quirky characters, interesting circumstances, and humorous bits cropped up during their improv sessions, making up the bones of Really Trying Here. After improvising for weeks, they brought back some of these characters and circumstances, re-improvised, and eventually turned them into sketches with hard scripts. The genesis of our spine and thread for the show came next and was created entirely from the group's tendencies in improv, and thus Really Trying Here was born. After each performance of the show, a long form improv based on suggestions from the audience was performed by the cast.


  • Direction: Sam Nelsen
  • Stage Management: Madison Lane
  • Sound Design: Andy Isola
  • Scenic Design: Jenny Kenyon
  • Costume Design: Lauren Allmeyer
  • Hair/Make-Up Design: Lindsay Hooper
  • Light Design: Heath J. Hansum
  • Photography: Mark Hutchinson
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